My Top 5 Products to Keep Your Chicken Coops Clean

If you ask me, the worst chore on the farm is cleaning the chicken coops. Even though the chickens are really only in their coops over night, they make quite a nasty mess of it. I have seen some amazing ideas around the internet for dealing with chicken waste in the coop and it’s certainly a long term goal of mine to change the way we handle it, but right now the chickens roost on bars and their droppings just fall where they may. That said, we do keep the coops as clean as possible by doing a full clean out weekly and spot cleaning here and there throughout the week.

As any chicken owner knows, a clean coop is crucial for the well-being of your birds and for producing high-quality eggs. Here are our top five products that are essential for maintaining clean and healthy chicken coops:

1. First Saturday Lime

First Saturday Lime is a fantastic natural product that helps keep your chicken coop clean and odor-free. Made from 100% natural calcium carbonate, it is safe for both chickens and the environment. Sprinkling a thin layer of First Saturday Lime on the floor of the coop helps to control moisture and odors by absorbing excess moisture and neutralizing ammonia. Plus, it's easy to apply and can be used regularly to maintain cleanliness. I add First Saturday Lime to the coop after dirty bedding is removed and dust the roosting bars with it as well to repel any bugs. Then I add fresh bedding on top. You can get First Saturday Lime directly from their website or from online retailers like Some Home Depot stores even carry it.

2. Long Handled Cat Litter Scoop:

A long-handled cat litter scoop is a game-changer when it comes to cleaning chicken coops. Its extended handle allows you to reach into all corners of the coop without having to bend or stoop, making the cleaning process much easier and more efficient. Use it to scoop up droppings and soiled bedding quickly and effectively, keeping your coop fresh and sanitary. I use this a lot for spot cleaning, but will also use it as a rake on the big clean out days.

3. Faux Grass Nest Box Liners:

Faux grass nest box liners not only add a touch of coziness to your nest boxes but also make cleaning a breeze. These liners are designed to fit perfectly into standard nest boxes and are easy to remove and clean when soiled. They provide a comfortable and hygienic nesting environment for your hens while also making egg collection cleaner and more convenient.

4. Putty Knife:

A putty knife might seem like an unconventional tool for cleaning a chicken coop, but it's incredibly useful for scraping off stubborn poop and dried-on messes. Use it to scrape off caked-on droppings from roosting bars, walls, and floors with ease. Its flat blade allows you to remove messes without damaging surfaces, helping to keep your coop clean and sanitary.

5. Small Flake Pine Bedding:

Last but not least, small flake pine bedding is a must-have for every chicken coop. This natural bedding material absorbs moisture and odors effectively, keeping the coop dry and fresh. It also provides a soft and comfortable surface for your chickens to walk and nest on. Regularly adding fresh bedding helps to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the coop, ensuring a healthy environment for your flock. I have also heard that hemp bedding is wonderful, but given how often I like to clean it’s a little too expensive for my budget right now.

What products do you recommend? Let me know!


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